Why should DuoVital Joint Health and Mobility provide any benefit?
DuoVital Joint Health and Mobility provides the two most important joint protective supplements, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate. Hyaluronic acid is the most important component of the synovial fluid essential for the maintenance of joint health and mobility. Chondroitin sulphate is the major cellular component of articular cartilage. In addition, the benefits of chondroitin are dependent on the presence and concentration of hyaluronic acid.
Does the supplement immediately relieve pain?
No, the supplement is not an analgesic. Clinical studies have demonstrated improvement in joint health and mobility commences 7-10 days after the initial dose.
Why do we need to supplement the hyaluronic acid in our body?
The body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid starts to decline at the age of 25-30. The body of a 40-year-old produces only 50% of the required amount of hyaluronic acid, which further declines to only 10% by age 60. Therefore, supplementation of hyaluronic acid can be very important to support joint health.
How often should I take a 30-day course of DuoVital Joint Health and Mobility?
This is very much dependent on the condition of the joints and the extent of degenerative joint disease. In most cases, twice yearly will be sufficient but depending on activity levels and the condition of the joints dosing every 4 months may be necessary. However, where there is extensive degenerative disease, an initial treatment course of 60-90 days may be required and it may be necessary to repeat this treatment schedule every 6 to 9 months. For younger, active individuals looking to promote joint health and mobility who are not experiencing symptoms, once yearly could be sufficient.
What is osteoarthritis?Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease due to gradual progressive damage to the joint characterized by:
• Loss of cartilage
• Joint dysfunction
• Inflammation
• Pain
• Disability
• Calcification of the cartilage
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What is articular cartilage?Articular cartilage is a smooth viscoelastic tissue that covers the ends of joints and is responsible for the mechanical distribution of loads across the joints and aids in the motion of the joints. Once damaged, it does not have the capacity to heal itself.
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What is chondroitin sulphate?Chondroitin sulphate is a naturally produced substance in the body. It is a major component of many connective tissues including cartilage. Also, it is responsible for many of the important biomechanical properties of the cartilage, including resistance and elasticity. It has a high fluid binding capacity, helping maintain elasticity and shock absorbing properties.
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What is Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic Acid, also called hyaluronan is a naturally occurring carbohydrate in the human body. In the synovial fluid it acts as a cushioning and lubrication agent for our joints. It is essential for the maintenance of joint health.
Hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid also provides nutrition to the cartilage, as there is no blood supply to the cartilage.With insufficient nutrition, the cartilage cells die and the cartilage degenerates thus losing its function.
What is synovial fluid?
Synovial fluid, found in the joint capsule, is principally comprised of hyaluronic acid. It has two main functions; aids in the nutrition of cartilage by transporting nutrients and aids in the mechanical functioning of the joints by lubricating the moving surfaces and cushioning and protecting the joints.
Is chondroitin effective in supporting joint health?
According to recommendations of the European League Against Rheumatism and the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), chondroitin provides medium strong up to strong relief of pain and an increase of the joint functionality. At the same time, it was proven that the effectiveness of chondroitin depends on the presence and concentration of hyaluronic acid.
Are supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate effective in providing joint support?
There are conflicting results reported on the effectiveness of chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine supplements. An evaluation of studies conducted on 3,803 patients using glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate and the combination of the two concluded that estimated treatment effects in industry independent trials were small or absent and clinically irrelevant. This study conducted by Simon Wandel et. al. from the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland was published in the BMJ.
Are there any known side-effects associated with the use of the supplement?
As with any product, individual patients can have a possible minor ailment, such as a headache, rash or diarrhea. However, there has been no serious adverse side-effects reported.
Is it safe to use the supplement with other medications?
If you have any medical conditions or are taking medications, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. There have been no reports of adverse drug interactions with other products.
Can the supplement be used by diabetics?
There are no contraindications for use of the product by diabetics. The daily intake of 30ml equals 15 grams of carbohydrates.
Are there any contraindications in cardiovascular disease?
There are no known contraindications in cardiovascular disease. If you have a cardiovascular condition, consult your doctor prior to use.
Is the supplement stimulant free and can be safely used by athletes?
The supplement does not contain any stimulants and can be used by athletes.
What is the most appropriate time for an active athlete to use the supplement?
It is recommended to take the supplement prior to a period of intense activity or a sporting season. This will give maximum opportunity for the product to support joint health. The product dosing should be repeated every 6 months to support synovial fluid health.
Are there any potential medical issues and side-effects if the recommended daily dose is exceeded?
It is recommended to use the supplement in accordance with the product label.
Does the supplement cause drowsiness?
There has been no reported incidence of drowsiness associated with supplement use.
Is there an ideal time during the day to take the product?
The supplement can be taken at any time during the day.
Can I use the product during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
Prior to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult your physician.
Can the supplement be used in children and adolescence?
The supplement is not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. The body of a younger person produces 100% of the required hyaluronic acid, the major component of synovial fluid.
I suffer from Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis; will the supplement be of any benefit?
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The supplement is not designed for this condition. Some symptomatic relief such as a reduction in aches and pains may be experienced.
Should the dose of the supplement be adjusted for body weight?
No, the supplement can be safely taken by people with a wide range of body weights. Excessive amounts of hyaluronic acid may be absorbed not only by the joints, but other organs such as eyes, hair, skin and gums.